Monday 9 August 2010

Accepting Yourself

The first thing I was told at the clinic is that I need to accept myself. Now, even before I change. That the constant self rejection only keeps on triggering the negative feelings and therefore the binges.

Now, I don’t know if this is specific to binge eating and compulsive overeating, but I don’t think it can harm even sufferers from anorexia or bulimia to accept themselves just the way they are, as a person and a personality.
What I want to say is that we need to accept our inner strengths and weaknesses, and our outer form with all pretty and not so pretty bits.

An exercise that I was given at the clinic is to stand in front of the biggest mirror you can find, stark naked, and look at yourself. Now I know what you are thinking. HORROR!! But try it. And try to look at your body objectively. Maybe it helps to describe it. Don’t judge it, just describe it. What colour does your hair have? What is the shape of your nose? How long are your toes? But try to stay objective. Say something like “My toes are 3cm long. I wear size 6 shoes.” rather than “My toes are all deformed and not pretty.”

At first you might only manage to have negative thoughts, but after a while you might just look at your body in a neutral way, and later you will find good and beautiful things. I was told to do this exercise every day, for at least 10 minutes. I felt silly at first, standing there looking at myself. But I do hope it helps me feel more neutral or even more positive about my body, and not repulsed or disgusted.

So, here goes ... this is me.
I am a compassionate person, always willing to help others. I am smart.

I can be extremely moody sometimes and then I am not so generous with my good will. I am extremely lazy. 

I have a pretty face, and very pretty eyes. 

Over the weekend I had visitors, which meant way too much food, and a lot of unhealthy stuff as well. I did keep a diary, but I am only posting Sunday here.

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